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Thursday, 23 September 2021

Major Arcana: The Fool's Journey (Part 1) - #TarotThursday #MyFriendAlexa


So, did you guys read my last post ‘How would you like to discover yourself in the cards?’ and did you look up your personality, soul and shadow cards? And did they truly resonate with you?

Traditional Tarot decks – like The Rider-Waite deck, have 78 cards. 22 Major Arcana cards and 56 Minor Arcana cards, with 4 suits of 14 cards each. The Major Arcana represents major incidents, situations and learning curves of your life while the Minor Arcana cards deals with the everyday trials, tribulations, and situations of your everyday life.

The Major Arcana cards appear in your reading when you need to stop, take a moment, and pay attention to the theme in your life and the lesson that life is offering you. They also set the ‘scene’ for a reading and let the Minor Arcana cards add some more important details and some shades that relate to the bigger picture that the Major Arcana is painting.

Today, we will take on the Fool’s Journey to study the Major Arcana cards. The Fool’s Journey is a story that we can tell in order to help us get a glimpse into each Major Arcana making it easier to understand the set.

The first card in the Major Arcana is ‘0. The Fool’

The Fool stands for a new beginning. As you can see, he has his necessities packed and his pet with him and excited about the journey he is about to embark on. There is a sense of excitement and optimism about the new adventure.

We start the story with The Fool starting on a new journey with a blank slate, optimism, and adventure.

Upright – Trust, Innocence, Open Mind, Beginning.
Reverse – Foolish, Naïve, Reckless, Close Minded, Distrust

1. The Magician

The magician has the resources and potential to make things happen, but intention and action are both required.

So, the first lesson that The Fool learns is he has the power to create and manifest what he wants. He only needs to tap into his full potential.

Upright – Personal Power, Intention, Will, Resourcefulness
Reverse – Lacking Skills or Resources, Intention without Action, Trickery, Illusion

2. The High Priestess

The High Priestess encourages you to build up on and expand on your inner knowledge, to trust your intuition and notice synchronicity as you go through your days. Look within for the answers that you are asking.

The second lesson that The Fool learns is that he needs to reflect and learn about himself through religion, nature, meditation, and spirituality. Sometimes it becomes important to listen to your intuition over everything else. Heart over mind.

Upright – Inner Wisdom, Receptivity Spirituality, Meditation
Reverse – Secretive, Withdrawn, Ignoring Intuition, Gossip, Disconnected from Sexuality

3. The Empress

The Empress is the mother figure in the Major Arcana. She is the nurturer. She encourages to connect/network not only with people who can be mentors and friends and have a positive effect on your life, but also with nature and things that can help you develop yourself and grow. Connect with your sensuality.

The third lesson that The Fool learns is that it is important to take care of yourself and nurture relationships, interests, and skills in order to grow.

Upright – Nurturing, Creativity, Sensitivity, Mother Figure
Reverse – Smothering, Burn Out, Possessiveness, Blocked Creativity

4. The Emperor

The Emperor is the father figure in the Major Arcana. He encourages logical and rational thinking, to try and increase stability in any situation.

The fourth lesson that The Fool Learns is that it is important to think strategically and logically when pursuing his dreams.

Upright – Power, Structure, Stability, Authority, Father Figure
Reverse – Controlling, Egotistical, Giving Up Power, Abuse of Power, Lacking Structure

5. The Hierophant

The Hierophant wants you to pause and take a look at your own beliefs. Are they flexible or are they rigid? Do they help you in your learning curve or stops you from growing?

The lesson that The Fool Learns from the Hierophant is that wanting to follow pre-established societal norms instead of trying some new or taking an uncharted path may not always the right thing for him.

Upright – Teacher, Belief System, Knowledge, Conscientious, Responsibility
Reverse – Dogmatic, Fundamentalist, Iconoclast, Unethical Teacher

6. The Lovers

The Lovers card encourages you to take a look what is in both your heart and mind. And whenever you make a choice, take complete ownership and responsibility of the choices you have made.

The Lovers teaches The Fool to cherish and celebrate the love he has in his life in all forms. Whether it’s a lover, or a partner, or parents, or friends, and even self-love.

Upright – Love, Union, Cooperation, Choice, Sexuality
Reverse – Incompatibility, Uncooperative, Unrequited Love, Disconnection between the Heart and the Mind.

QOTD: Have we covered your Soul/Personality/Shadow Card today? If yes, what impressions do you have of your cards so far?

I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa.


  1. An interesting read. Thanks for sharing

  2. I love tarot. It gives me the most apt guidance when needed. Thank you for explaining the cards so well. #MyepicaReads

  3. The way you explained tarot was really good and got to learn about every card.

  4. Good to know all this. Wonder what I am. Maybe a magician. HEhe.

    1. Oooh! thats nice. You have all the resources that you need to find your higher self. What's your shadow card?

  5. Enjoyed reading this and really wish I understand this better. Thanks for sharing.. I guess I am The Empress

    1. Hi5! I am The Empress too. We got a lot of shadow work to do though!

  6. Never understood tarots at the glance of it but always found them interesting.

  7. Thanks for sharing about these cards. Never really understood tarot reading but seems like an interesting thing to learn about.

  8. Interesting read and wondering what I am. Maybe "the fool" recently have embarked on a new journey.

  9. Love how you are interpreting the Major Arcana Cards, Debdatta. I am always excited to see The Fool come up in my Readings, as it holds so many promises.

  10. Really interesting. I have no clue about tarot cards so it was fun to know so many new things.

  11. I really liked what you said about the major arcanas representing themes. It shows that we have all these personalities inside us.

  12. It fascinates me that how these cards can actually tell what you feel and what your future holds. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Each card has so much to say and the reverse is also mentioned in the post, getting to know more information about Tarot cards through your posts.

  14. Tarot is an intriguing system and your post has helped demystified some concepts. Thanks for sharing! :) #MyFriendAlexa #TinasPicks
