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Wednesday, 6 October 2021

My Favourite Food Joints In Vizag - #MyFriendAlexa

October 06, 2021 32 Comments

I am a typical Bheto Bengali. Food and I go hand in hand. It’s mutual love, we both love each other. I love to cook and eat and the food loves to be eaten by me.

I left Kolkata in 2009. However, no matter where I am, I try to find food like Kolkata. Most of the places disappoint me; still, I am always able to find something tasty to eat.

I am here in Vizag for the last three years, and was able to find some food joints that I love.

I am in no way claiming these are the best places to eat or make the best food or the other places do not offer good food. All I want to say is they are my favourite.

Let’s start exploring...

The Chaiwala in front of SFS State Board Gate:

In Seethamadhara, if you come from the Tech Mahindra junction, you will find SFS State Board School on your left side. Just in front of the main gate, there is a small tea stall. I have no idea what is the name of the tea stall. It is run by a young couple. And what allam (ginger) tea they make. I am literally in love with the allam tea. You have a cup of it, and all your tiredness, worries are gone.

Kolkata Roll Centre:

In Dhaba Garden, there is a pantaloons showroom, just beside the showroom, there is a lane, and some food stalls are there. And there is Kolkata Roll Centre. In no way, it serves the authentic Kolkata rolls, but the noodles they make is really good. The chicken noodles they serve actually tastes like Kolkata roadside, thela wala (stall) noodles. It’s like a dash of Kolkata taste away from my love, Kolkata.

The Momowala in front of Bay View Hotel:

In front of Bay View Hotel in RK beach, you will find the best Momos in Vizag. The main cook is a Nepali guy, and hence, the momos are really good. They serve red chilli chutney with the momos, and it tastes like northeast India. Also, they serve really tasty chicken sweet corn soup.

Upland Bistro:

This restaurant serves the best continental in Vizag, hand down. This restaurant is run by an Telugu guy name Kalyan. I am a regular here. I have tried many dishes from the menu, and they are actually good. I have also tried many other continental restaurants here in Vizag, most of the time the food is actually, sorry for the word, shit. The fish and chip from this restaurant is my favourite.

Cafe Military:

Located on the Venkojipalem highway, they serve one of the best tiffin in Vizag. I simply love the Masala Dosa, the dosa is crispy, and the aloo masala is super tasty. I can literally eat it, every morning, if there is a possibility. It’s just my lazy husband refuses to take me there every morning.

Soda Paniwala:

The summer here in Vizag is really cruel. And the only way I survive the brutish sun is by drinking gallons of sweet soda pani. I have probably tried the all the Soda Pani stalls in Vizag. They all are life-saving, in the summertime. I even tried my best to impress them with my Telegu speaking skills for some extra, they mostly ignore me (my Telegu is a disaster). Still, hoping to befriend one for some extra soda pani, for free of course.

Samosa from Sea Pearl:

In Kolkata, you get the best samosas. I have tried samosas from various parts of South India, and they are not good. However, Sea Pearl restaurant on RK Beach serves one of the best samosas, in Vizag. The dough is perfectly kneaded with a hint of ajwain. The filling is heavenly, fried to perfection, served with sweet chutney. The combination is to die for.

The honourable motions are Idli from Mr And Mrs Idli, Biryani from Satyam restaurant & Raju's Kitchen, North Indian veg thali from Shree Shyam restaurant, veg cuisine from Santosh Dhaba, Bengali food from Hotel Nimantran Inn, and many, many more.

Happy Eating

I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa.

Thursday, 30 September 2021

Major Arcana: The Fool's Journey (Part 2) - #TarotThursday #MyFriendAlexa

September 30, 2021 0 Comments


Welcome back to the second instalment of The Fool's Journey. Be sure to start this section with Part 1 of The Fool's Journey where I have covered the first 7 cards of the Major Arcana. Just a refresher - The Fool’s Journey is a story that we can tell in order to help us get a glimpse into each Major Arcana making it easier to understand the set. In this part, we will cover next 7 cards, starting with The Chariot.

7. The Chariot

The Chariot tells you to take control of your life. Staying focused and harnessing all of your resources will eventually get you where you want to go. It also signifies travel and movement.

The Chariot teaches The Fool that He has everything that he needs. All he needs to do is stay focused and disciplined in order to reach his goals.

Upright – Momentum, Competence, Self-Discipline, Control, Determination
Reverse – Rushing, Stress, Undisciplined

8.  Strength

The Strength card urges you to look within and draw from your inner strength and find a balance between your basic drives and higher aspirations. In case of conflict, the card urges you to face your adversary with love and compassion.

The Fool's lesson from this card is that he is resilient and fearless, and can accomplish anything he sets his mind to.

Upright – Instinct, Inner Strength, Survival, Courage
Reverse – Compulsive Behaviour, Weakness, Reactive Emotions, Fear, Lack of Confidence

9. The Hermit

The Hermit signifies a need or desire to withdraw from the world. It may be an indication that you need time to withdraw from the world, introspect while you rejuvenate yourself. It could also be advising you to seek a wise and experienced guide/counselor/mentor.

The Fool realises that he may sometime need to seek the answers he is looking for within himself and sometimes he may need a mentor to help him find what he is looking for.


Upright – Solitude, Introspection, Perspective, Wisdom, Guidance
Reverse – Antisocial, Needing Solitude, Feeling Lost, Loneliness

10. Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune reminds us that change is inevitable. As such, it is important to center yourself and stay calm when the world around you seems to be spinning out of control.

This cards teaches The Fool that life is fluid and full of ups and downs. He will never stay in the same position for long. It is important to remember the good times so that when it gets stressful and/or painful, he should remember what it is like to be happy too.

Upright – Taking Action, Change, Movement, Destiny, Luck, Expansion
Reverse – Lack of Control, Confusion, Ongoing Struggle, Setbacks, Bad Luck

11. Justice

Justice appears when it is time to balance the scales. It indicated that actions will have consequences and truth will catch up. It is time to think logically.

Justice teaches The Fool that the truth behind everything will eventually come to light and there will be repercussions.

Upright – Fairness, Balance, Ethics, Law, Accountability
Reverse – Extremes, Unbalanced, Self-Centered, Lacking Objectivity, Unfair

12. The Hanged Man

The Hanged man is the card of patience, contemplation and sacrifice.  It urges you to observe your environment and situation from a new perspective. A sacrifice may be required in order to move forward.

The Fool realises that doing something else for a while may be worthwhile because it will help him clear his head so he can succeed. A sacrifice may be required of a small dream in order to fulfil a bigger goal.

Upright – Surrender, New Perspective, Patience, Sacrifice, Release
Reverse – Procrastination, Victim Mentality, Hypocrisy

13. Death

Death is a card of and ending before an utter transformation. It urges you to let go and embrace change and seek closure before moving on.

The Fool learns not to be scared of what's to come as he knows that the future holds bigger and better things for him.

Upright – Transformation, Ending, Closure, Regeneration
Reverse – Burning Bridges, Running Away, Fear of Change, Refusing to Let Go

14. Temperance

Temperance is a card of integration and finding balance. Finding a balance between emotions and practicality is important to be able to put a steady foot forward. Some compromise may be necessary.

As a part of The Fool's journey came to an end with the Death Card, Temperance teaches him the value of compromise and adjustment while moving forward as two or more things come together to create something new, or bring fruition to what The Fool was working on before.

Upright – Integration, Creation, Compromise, Experiments
Reverse – Over Compromise, Rigidity, No Consensus

That is it for today. 7 cards remain in the Major Arcana for us to handle in the next post.

QOTD: Have we covered your Soul/Personality/Shadow Card today? If yes, what impressions do you have of your cards so far?

I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa.

Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Poison - #MyFriendAlexa

September 29, 2021 41 Comments

 What’s your Poison... She asked me

I replied, Pain

She seems disappointed with my answer.

I asked, 

What’s yours?

She said...Love

Looking at my own reflection, I enquired, 

How can it be? Aren’t we the same.

She smiled and said......NO

I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa.

Thursday, 23 September 2021

Major Arcana: The Fool's Journey (Part 1) - #TarotThursday #MyFriendAlexa

September 23, 2021 30 Comments


So, did you guys read my last post ‘How would you like to discover yourself in the cards?’ and did you look up your personality, soul and shadow cards? And did they truly resonate with you?

Traditional Tarot decks – like The Rider-Waite deck, have 78 cards. 22 Major Arcana cards and 56 Minor Arcana cards, with 4 suits of 14 cards each. The Major Arcana represents major incidents, situations and learning curves of your life while the Minor Arcana cards deals with the everyday trials, tribulations, and situations of your everyday life.

The Major Arcana cards appear in your reading when you need to stop, take a moment, and pay attention to the theme in your life and the lesson that life is offering you. They also set the ‘scene’ for a reading and let the Minor Arcana cards add some more important details and some shades that relate to the bigger picture that the Major Arcana is painting.

Today, we will take on the Fool’s Journey to study the Major Arcana cards. The Fool’s Journey is a story that we can tell in order to help us get a glimpse into each Major Arcana making it easier to understand the set.

The first card in the Major Arcana is ‘0. The Fool’

The Fool stands for a new beginning. As you can see, he has his necessities packed and his pet with him and excited about the journey he is about to embark on. There is a sense of excitement and optimism about the new adventure.

We start the story with The Fool starting on a new journey with a blank slate, optimism, and adventure.

Upright – Trust, Innocence, Open Mind, Beginning.
Reverse – Foolish, Naïve, Reckless, Close Minded, Distrust

1. The Magician

The magician has the resources and potential to make things happen, but intention and action are both required.

So, the first lesson that The Fool learns is he has the power to create and manifest what he wants. He only needs to tap into his full potential.

Upright – Personal Power, Intention, Will, Resourcefulness
Reverse – Lacking Skills or Resources, Intention without Action, Trickery, Illusion

2. The High Priestess

The High Priestess encourages you to build up on and expand on your inner knowledge, to trust your intuition and notice synchronicity as you go through your days. Look within for the answers that you are asking.

The second lesson that The Fool learns is that he needs to reflect and learn about himself through religion, nature, meditation, and spirituality. Sometimes it becomes important to listen to your intuition over everything else. Heart over mind.

Upright – Inner Wisdom, Receptivity Spirituality, Meditation
Reverse – Secretive, Withdrawn, Ignoring Intuition, Gossip, Disconnected from Sexuality

3. The Empress

The Empress is the mother figure in the Major Arcana. She is the nurturer. She encourages to connect/network not only with people who can be mentors and friends and have a positive effect on your life, but also with nature and things that can help you develop yourself and grow. Connect with your sensuality.

The third lesson that The Fool learns is that it is important to take care of yourself and nurture relationships, interests, and skills in order to grow.

Upright – Nurturing, Creativity, Sensitivity, Mother Figure
Reverse – Smothering, Burn Out, Possessiveness, Blocked Creativity

4. The Emperor

The Emperor is the father figure in the Major Arcana. He encourages logical and rational thinking, to try and increase stability in any situation.

The fourth lesson that The Fool Learns is that it is important to think strategically and logically when pursuing his dreams.

Upright – Power, Structure, Stability, Authority, Father Figure
Reverse – Controlling, Egotistical, Giving Up Power, Abuse of Power, Lacking Structure

5. The Hierophant

The Hierophant wants you to pause and take a look at your own beliefs. Are they flexible or are they rigid? Do they help you in your learning curve or stops you from growing?

The lesson that The Fool Learns from the Hierophant is that wanting to follow pre-established societal norms instead of trying some new or taking an uncharted path may not always the right thing for him.

Upright – Teacher, Belief System, Knowledge, Conscientious, Responsibility
Reverse – Dogmatic, Fundamentalist, Iconoclast, Unethical Teacher

6. The Lovers

The Lovers card encourages you to take a look what is in both your heart and mind. And whenever you make a choice, take complete ownership and responsibility of the choices you have made.

The Lovers teaches The Fool to cherish and celebrate the love he has in his life in all forms. Whether it’s a lover, or a partner, or parents, or friends, and even self-love.

Upright – Love, Union, Cooperation, Choice, Sexuality
Reverse – Incompatibility, Uncooperative, Unrequited Love, Disconnection between the Heart and the Mind.

QOTD: Have we covered your Soul/Personality/Shadow Card today? If yes, what impressions do you have of your cards so far?

I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa.

Wednesday, 22 September 2021

My Seasonal Lover - #MyFriendAlexa

September 22, 2021 52 Comments

My plane landed around 5 AM on an October morning in 2018. I am in a new city and I have to call it home for the next few years. I was happy to finally leave Hyderabad, but not sure what to expect from this new city.

I got my luggage and came out of the airport. I knew that nobody is coming to pick me up, still hoped to see a familiar face. Mr. Anirudh Gaurav said he can’t pick me up for some reason, I forgot the reason, however, remember I was mad.

A grey, gloomy and rainy city welcomed me with not much enthusiasm. I never disliked a rainy day like this.

I booked my Uber and patiently waited outside the airport. My Uber came and I started my journey into this new city. I more I entered the city, the more I hated it. I finally reached my destination, MVP Colony. Gaurav was there to receive me, but to my surprise, what welcomed me is the Devil’s Tree, in front of the hotel.

It was like Durga Puja welcoming me outside Kolkata. I was in love.

Gaurav left for work, and I began my hunt for a new home (rented house). I roamed every lane and every street of MVP colony. And on every corner, there was a Devil’s Tree waiting to tempt me with its smell. I was trying to get some flowers from the tree and some lady told me not to, as it is poisonous.

And in my mind, the smell of the flower is my poison. I don’t know how dangerous this is for asthma patients, but this is definitely harmful to me. It makes my desires run wild. No kidding it’s called the seductive Casanova of smells.

The smell would arrive every year, during Durga Puja (September end to October), and stay till December to wish me on my birthday. I reached this new city in October and thank God it was October. Otherwise, how would I know Devil’s Tree will be waiting for me with open arms.

The smell takes me back to my teenage years. Someone would be waiting for me and I was ignorant enough to ignore him. The smell takes me to my first love, first heartbreak, and first tears of pain.

Yet, this smell is so toxic for me that I can’t simply imagine Durga Puja or winter without it.

Then the unavoidable happens, by the time winter is over, the smell leaves me like a seasonal lover. I am heartbroken and missing my love. I try my best not to embrace the last hint of the smell, as I know it will leave me high and dry.

Yet how can I not, long for it as long it’s there, it’s like the forbidden lover. He is toxic, poisonous, going to leave me to suffer for sure, yet so passionate with his love and desires.

It’s been three winters. The air, the streets, and the people feel much more familiar to me now. I have made it a home, my Vizag.  

Yet on those lonely nights on my balcony, I long for my poison. I am madly in love with this toxic flower called Chatim Ful (in Bengali) and last but not least, a poisonous someone. It’s so difficult to reason with my feelings. What I know for sure is I want him. And he can't be mine, ever. A pain I endure with all my affection. 

I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa.

Monday, 20 September 2021

'You're a #feminist icon, Rafael.' - #MyFriendAlexa #MondayBlogs

September 20, 2021 27 Comments

I started watching Law & Order: Special Victims Unit after reading Piu’s post about her favourite TV shows. And once I started watching, I was hooked!

SVU, as the name suggests, is about special victims and mostly known as the sex crimes unit. In the first season we find out that it is a unit made up of agents who join it voluntarily. Once you know that, and watch a few of the episodes, you have a certain amount of respect for the agents who work there. It is not easy to handle the cases that they handle and then go back to normal life. It is no wonder that most of the agents who work there are single. After the kind of crimes, they deal with every day – the fact that some of them still believe in decent humans is nothing but a wonder to me.

As the seasons’ progressed, I collected quite a few favourite characters. Olivia Benson, the face of the series, is an amazing character. The amount of compassion she has for each victim, the way she turns up at her job day after day with all heart is really amazing! There’s Odafin ‘Fin’ Tutuola who his just there, every day, doing his job and a background that he doesn’t talk much about. Then there is Dominick Carisi who enters the scenes with an attitude that has Olivia Benson asking, ‘Carisi, remind me why you're SVU, again?’

Carisi’s response was:

I worked Homicide, couple years. It's the women who get you. I mean, they're dead, but their hair's clean, they're nicely dressed, they're made up. And that means their husbands, or their boyfriends did it. It's like they knew. They knew it was coming. They don't even look surprised.

And the way he says it – it surprises you and he grows as the show progresses.

But the one character that will stay with me even after the show is over is Rafael Barba, Assistant District Attorney. Barba is introduced to the audience in Season 14 as a recurring character and then becomes a part of the main cast till Season 19.

When Barba first shows up, he is almost ruthless – with the reputation as someone who will take on the toughest cases, even the ones that no one else will touch. He slowly warms up to the SVU and develops a good friendship with Olivia Benson. He is ruthless – he pushes the members of the SVU, the suspects and sometimes even the victims to get the results that we want. At the same time, he can also be calm and composed in the courtroom. Some of my favourite scenes involves him being extremely quiet and calm when the defence attorneys are ripping the witnesses apart and using the dirtiest tricks in the book. 

I liked him from almost the beginning, but as the show progressed his character arc grew by leaps and bounds. Everyone on SVU do their best to make the world a better place by placing their faith in the victims and then fighting to put the perpetrators behind the bars. But then Barba doesn’t just do his own job but goes one step further!

In Flight Risk (Season 19, Episode 11), a flight attendant is raped by the pilot, and the company not only covers it up but forces the flight attendant to continue working with him in close quarters despite promising her otherwise. Once SVU manages to put the pilot away for rape – this is a (slightly paraphrased – as much as I can remember) discussion that Olivia Benson and Barba has shortly after:

Benson: Putting away a single pilot rapist isn’t enough?
Barba: No, it's not. The whole culture has to change. All the people who enabled Captain Carter should be in that cell with him.
Benson: Yes, they should. But unfortunately, being sexist, misogynistic pigs isn't a crime.
Barba: It should be.

Barba goes on to hold a grand jury  to charge the airline company with grand larceny. It is his way of trying to make a difference - by trying to change the law that lets people look away and pretend that nothing is wrong. He knows that it is a long shot; that he can only try and probably not be able to make such a huge change in his lifetime, yet he fights for it anyway.

So, when Olivia Benson says,
'You're a feminist icon, Rafael', I could only agree enthusiastically and applaud 'Rafa' in front of the screen.

Knowing that someone like him is a part of the judicial system would bring hope to everyone and I’d love to have someone like him in my life.

But Alas! He is just a fictional character!!

I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa.

Thursday, 16 September 2021

How would you like to discover yourself in the cards? #TarotThursday #MyFriendAlexa

September 16, 2021 31 Comments
I hope that you found my last post, 5 Things You Need to Know Before You Start Reading Tarot, informative and helpful. As we move closer to discovering the secrets of Tarot, I want to tell you about one of the biggest secrets of Tarot that I did not know till a couple of months back. You can find yourself in the cards!

Now, that doesn’t mean that you’ll find your picture or name on a card. Nor does it mean that it will spill out all your deepest or darkest secrets. Or tell you your future! But what it will do is place your archetype and assign a couple of cards to you. They represent your soul, your personality, and your shadow self. It is like zodiac signs if you will. They show what are the most dominant energies when it comes to you and the character traits that you are likely to have. 

Are you a little bit curious now? All you need is your full date of birth and basic addition skills!

What is a Personality Card?

Have you heard the saying that goes like – we have all come into this world with a purpose and once we find that purpose, we can be happy and fulfilled? I know, that was a very rough version of the proverb, but I just couldn’t remember the exact words of it. Anyway, if you have heard it before, and if you are anything like me, the first thought in your mind would ‘that’s all very lovely, but how do I find my life’s purpose?’

Well, the Personality Card is tells you about the lesson you are supposed to learn in this lifetime. Whether it is resolve you past issues or whether it is to grow comfortable in your skin or whether it is to learn to be patient or forgiveness. How you get there is up to you. Good old Tarot! It is here only to nudge you – the path you take is completely up to YOU.

What is a Soul Card?

Now that you know what the personality card stands for, you can probably guess what the Soul card stands for. Whether you believe in re-incarnation or not, the soul card can tell you your soul’s purpose. And since we are always evolving and discovering more about ourselves, who would say no to a little bit of extra help?

The Soul Card represents the very core of who you are. It is why you react the way you do or do the things that you didn’t think you could or ever would.

How to find out your Personality & Soul Cards?

To determine these two cards you add together your month, day, and year of birth. For instance, 31 August 1960 is 31+08+1960 = 1999

If you know even the basic numerology, you know we need to keep adding till we get the basic number in single digit. But in this case, since the Major Arcana Cards go upto 22, we need to add our numbers down to or below 22. So, 1999 will go further down to 1+9+9+9 = 28 and further 2+8 = 10
In this case, 10 is the Personality Cards number & it corresponds to Wheel of Fortune

We need to go one step further to get the Soul Card number. So, from 10 we get – 1+0 = 1
And the Soul Card number is 1 which corresponds to The Magician.

Now some of you may be going, but hey I got down to a single digit right at the personality card… what should I do for the soul card number? Well, you can have the same card for soul & personality cards. I am one of those people in fact. My date of birth adds up to 2010 and so I am left with 3 (The Empress) as both my Personality and Soul Cards.

What is the Shadow Card?

In psychology, shadow-self is the side of your personality that you consciously / subconsciously / unconsciously do not admit to (or do not want to admit to) having, depending on how self-aware you are. So, it would probably make sense to you if I said that a shadow card is what you don’t see or fear or reject about yourself. If you really want to change your life around, this is the card (I would say) you want to really pay attention to.

How to find out your Shadow Card?

Keep your soul and personality number handy for this one as I can think of only one way to explain this one – with examples. Remember the 31 August 1960 example we handled before? The Personality & Soul Card numbers that came out of it were 10 & 1. In this case the Shadow Factor card would be 19 – The Sun. 

Another example was that my own, where my Personality & Soul cards are the same, The Empress. In my case, 12 & 21 are my Shadow Cards.

The basic number remains the same. 1 in the first case, and 3 in the second case. You'll need to find the Shadow card by find the third number that adds up to the same basic number. So, in case your personality number is 13 and 22, your Shadow Card is 4.

However, if your birthday adds up to a number between 14 to 18, then you will have no Hidden Factor Card because these numbers are called Night-time Cards. In such cases, shadow aspects are an integral part of the personality of the person.

Here’s the list of Major Arcana cards corresponding to it’s number for you:

0 or 22: The Fool
1: The Magician
2: The High Priestess
3: The Empress
4: The Emperor
5: The Hierophant
6: The Lovers
7: The Chariot
8: Strength
9: The Hermit
10: Wheel of Fortune
11: Justice
12: The Hanged Man
13: Death
14: Temperance
15: The Devil
16: The Tower
17: The Star
18: The Moon
19: The Sun
20: Judgement
21: The World

We will obviously be learning about the Major Arcana next. But let's calculate your Personality, Soul & Shadow card numbers and look them up. Check out both the positive & negative aspects of each card and let me know if they resonate with you in the comments.

Remember, Tarot Cards DO NOT control you or your life.  They are just a tool and it is up to you to decide how to use it. Your choices and luck are of your own making, using the cards as a guideline. Reflect on the cards you get, take what resonates, and discard what doesn't.

 I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa.

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

I am a Man - #MyFriendAlexa

September 15, 2021 0 Comments

Recently I came across a video by an alcohol brand where actor Sanjay Dutt is promoting the right kind of Masculinity (read Toxic), urging people to consume this particular alcohol, and become a real man.

The video is so toxic and stereotypical that even the most stereotypical men will find it offensive.

Now the point is, we all talk about female stereotypes, we all fight it in our own way (I hope we all do). But face it, female stereotypes are the real issue, but we also need to address the other elephant in the room, the male stereotypes. They are so interconnected that we can’t move forwards without addressing both issues.

According to various analysts and researchers, male characters fall within a range of stereotypes. 

The most popular stereotypes of male characters are:

The Joker: The funny who no one takes seriously, he is there just for the comic relief, most importantly, no girl wants to date him.

The Jock: He is athletic, muscular, date the sexiest girl, is usually dumb, and sucks at studies.

The Strong Silent Type: He exudes strength by taking action without expressing or worrying about their emotions. He loves to deny his emotions and feelings. Denial is his poison. 

The Big Shot: These are the people who think they are mighty or they are acting like they are better than everybody else when in reality they are not.

The Action Hero: This is the one with a savior complex. It’s his job to save someone, especially a girl. We see them everywhere with their inflated muscles and egos. 

The Buffoon: Commonly described as a bungling father figure. They are usually well-intentioned and light-hearted, however completely hopeless when it comes to parenting, dealing with domestic or career issues.

However, when we dig dipper, one common theme in all the stereotypes are 
“be a man, suck it up,”

Let us see what are the most common male stereotypes:

Vulnerability: The biggest stereotyped male behaviour is showing Vulnerability. Hey are suppose to be the MAN, can’t ask for help, can’t show fear, he will not express his love, in short, a robot with muscles.

And when they actually ask for help, they have penalized for the challenge of this notion.

Emotions (Sadness): The only emotion a man is allowed to show is his anger. In various cultures, men are socialized to be stoic.

And when they show any other emotion other than anger they are showed with amazing adjectives like being pussy.

Love for Sports: Men are supposed to love sports, especially the aggressive ones, like rugby, football, basketball.

Control their woman: A man have to be in control of his home, especially his wife. If one can’t control their wife, it’s a big shame.

Modesty: Men are expected to be proud of their achievements. Research shows that men who were more modest about their qualifications were evaluated as less likable.

Now, what we can do about it…

The simplest answer here is to teach our children to be more compassionate to everyone, celebrate men who dare to express their emotions, broaden gender stereotypical roles, most importantly do not gender police.

Let’s start this discussion with the wise words of Nelson Mandela,

“We slaughter one another in our words and attitudes. We slaughter one another in the stereotypes and mistrust that linger in our heads, and the words of hate we spew from our lips.” 

I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa.

Monday, 6 September 2021

#MondayBlogs - It's time to clean up

September 06, 2021 1 Comments

“Wake up, wake up…”

The mighty husband is shouting.

I hate to wake up in the morning, especially on weekends. However, no one is bothered about it.

“Wake up, wake up… we have to go to Rishikonda, we decided, and you agreed”. He continued shouting.

Really, what I agreed to when I was in a good mood, cannot still be applicable on a Sunday morning at 5.30 AM. I DON’T THINK SO.

The mighty husband tried to kiss me, like I am some sleeping witch (I don’t like to call myself a witch; however I am sure that’s what he thinks about me). All I can feel is his mustache on my lips.

I am more annoyed than I was before.

“Please Wake up”.

I finally decided to get up, not for him, but to wear my new torn-off jeans pink shorts, which fits me only in the mornings.

We rode to Rishikonda Beach.

After reaching, he asked me whether I want to jog. The answer is a very obvious NO. And he took off jogging, and I am standing on the beach at 6.20 AM in the morning.

Someone, please suggest to me how to kill my husband without getting caught.

I decided to roam around when I saw a group of people who were cleaning the beach. And the OCD in me kicked in. I am a cleanliness freak, really I am, asked the husband, friends, and they can vouch for me.

And I decided to join them. I approach a serious-looking guy (later I came to know his name is Ramesh) and asked him if I can join them. He seemed happy to get an extra pair of hands.

And my cleaning journey started.

TheBeachcleanupclub (Silent volunteers): Thebeachcleanupclub club was started by 3 friends (Ramesh, Jitesh, Satyanand Prasad).

It all started when they went to the beach a day and got really annoyed with the plastic been piled up all over. Instead of blaming the government or the people around, they thought why don't we clean up the beach whenever it is possible for each of us.

The idea eventually transformed into weekend cleanup drives. It was a great thought working for nature, for the just two hours of our weekends.

We need to create awareness in people in terms of why the waste is been pumped up on the shore, 70% of the plastic which is been filled on the shore is from the drainage which dumps the wastewater to the beach along with the plastic waste. We need to educate people not to throw plastic waste like (Milk packets, oil packets, and other plastics) into the drainage in front of their houses, instead, they can store them and give them to GVMC people or to any recycling organizations so that they can make eco-products out of it.

We urge people around,
“We all live in this Mother Earth and we are responsible for the things we are doing around. Every single conscious initiative we take towards plastic usage would really make this world a beautiful place" 

TheBeachcleanupclub is not an organization or an NGO, we are a bunch of friends who took this decision to do better things for this Mother Nature.

We would love to expand our wings towards different activities like planting trees, educating children on this, etc. that way we all are going to make a huge difference to our environment.

And just like that, I am part of a group which actually is making a difference in their small way.

We clean various beaches in Vizag.

I made a very good friend name Srikant, he is kind of crazy like me. While cleaning, we chat all the time.

Apart from him, there is Ananda, who is super good at cleaning. Rosy, beauty with brain and I am pulling her legs all the time.  Ramesh, he is so serious all the time. Jitesh, he is so dedicated with some crazy hair.

We have collected at least 2000 beer bottles (I had no idea people drink so much), more than a ton of plastics, and many more items.

To sum it up, all I can say is, this is the very first time in my life, I look forward to waking up early in the morning that is also on weekends. This is a big improvement for a lazy-ass person like me. I look forward to the Sundays, meeting fellow beach cleaners, and continue making a difference in my tiny way.

Happy Cleaning

Thursday, 2 September 2021

#TarotThursday - 5 Things You Need to Know Before You Start Reading Tarot

September 02, 2021 0 Comments


I researched a lot about Tarot on the internet between the day I first felt myself attracted to a Tarot Deck and the day I bought my Tarot deck. And as you know, Google can be like going down a ‘Rabbit Hole’ especially if it a subject you know very little about.

I scrounged the internet for as much info as I could and tried out most of them before deciding what really worked for me. And today I am going to share them with you with a note that do what I did – take what resonates with you, and what works for you from this.

1) Let’s bust some myths:

- Tarot cards are Magic/Evil -> Tarot Decks do not have magical powers – good or bad. They are just pretty and colourful cards that have stories in them. The cards do not control or decide anyone’s life! It is the readers who bring in their own intuition to read the cards and decide what stories to tell and how to tell them. 

- You have to be a psychic to read Tarot Cards -> You don’t have to be a Psychic. All you need is your intuition. We are all born with a healthy dose of intuition – it is only a matter of developing it.

2) Choosing a Deck:

If you are choosing to learn Tarot because a deck called to you, then you already have this covered. But if that is not the case with you, I would advice you to check out multiple decks and see which one calls to you. Most decks have a ‘wow’ factor with beautiful artwork, and you need to remember to see beyond that. You’ll know it when you feel the pull, let your intuition guide you there. If you know someone who has multiple decks, check out theirs. Otherwise, you can also check out walkthrough and review videos of various decks on Youtube. 

And in case you are still unsure, here are some good beginner decks for your consideration:

The Original Rider-Waite deck is considered to be the best deck for beginners. And, for most part I agree with it because the deck has an amazing amount of details and comes with a quite clear instruction booklet.

The Light Seer's Tarot by Chris-Anne has a beautiful design where the artwork and depiction is different from that of Rider-Waite, but the cards follow the Rider-Waite concept.

Gilded Tarot Royale by Ciro Marchetti and Barbara Moore is an amazingly illustrated tarot that is both rich in its illustrations and symbolism making it easier to connect with them.

3) Handling and Maintaining Your Tarot Deck:

You need to cleanse your deck once after buying it and before starting to use it. It is also advisable to cleanse it between readings for different people and in general. Some common ways to cleanse your deck is using incense, sage you clear the energies around your Tarot. You can also leave them out in the open on full moon nights. You can also use crystals for the same.

Please keep your Tarot stored in a non-cluttered area. You can keep them in their boxes or in velvet pouches or covered in scarves to ensure that the energies are not disturbed. Black cloth or pouches are best in order to stop the cards being disturbed by external energies.

4) Connecting with Your Deck:

Handle your deck every day. Read them every day, shuffle them and in general keep them close to you. Some even suggest sleeping with the cards under your pillow in the early days. As we have learned, Tarot cards do not have any power of their own – it is your intuitive energy that helps you read them. As such, it is important that you deal with them as much as possible – especially in the beginning.

5) Learning Tarot:

Everyone has their own way of connecting and learning Tarot. In the following days, I am going to share my learnings with you all and would absolutely love it if you join me. But it is important to remember that no two people have same personality or the same learning style. So, it very well maybe that you will discover your own method of studying the cards. But few points to keep in mind are:

- Memorising the keywords is not enough. At the beginning, memorising the keywords associated with each card may be helpful, or even the only way for you to progress in your learning. But eventually it won’t be enough. So, even if you begin by memorising the keywords, take time to connect with the cards and see how each keyword is represented in the card. Only then will you be able to tell the stories that they are capable of telling.

- Always learn from 2-3 or more sources. While each card has a set of keywords, experienced Tarot readers develop their own way of interpreting not only individual cards, but also connecting the cards to make sense of a reading. All the different perspectives can help you see things more clearly and develop your own style.

I hope that this was informative for you. Next week, I will share a secret about how to find yourself in the cards and then we will delve into learning the cards one by one.